Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Back to School

Oleh: Surati, S.Pd *

It’s school time again!

After a long vacation, the alarm bell that announcing the first day of school can be a rude awakening. You probably feel axcited or maybe a little sad that the vacation is over. Some kids may feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school since they will face the new things: new friends, new classes or even new school.

Hate it or love it, you have to go to school again.

How can you beat the first day of school?

Here some ways to make your first day little bit easier.

Pretend that it is just another day little bit easier.

1. You’ll go to school, see your friends, play with them, study with your nice teachers, and other enjoyable activities. Therefore you’re going to enjoy your day.

2. Get ready the night before

Prepare your clothes, your stuff. Make sure that all of the stuff you need is in your bag.

3. Get to school on time

You won’t make a bad impression of your friends and teachers by being late, will you?

4. Get to know your new classmates

You might already know a lot of kids in your class on the first day. But, it’s a great day to make new friends, so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you don’t.

5. Get to know your teachers

Most teachers do the talking on the first day. The will introduce themselves, they often go over classroom rules, so you will know what’s allowed and what’s not. Pay close attention whatever he/ she says, so you won’t miss the information. Even, you’ll know what kind of person he/ she is. After you can combat the first day of school, you have to face the following days. You should start your new years of school with a new and fresh spirit. You should be better than the previous year. What you should do?

Face the new school years

There are some advices you can do to face the new school year.

1. Resolve that this is a fresh, a brand new school year.

You can just leave all of your troubles, bad scores, fight behind, start fresh!

2. Get all your school supplies in advance.

Some school distributes supply list before the year begins, so you come stocked up on your stuffs: pencils, books, binders, crayons, folders and whatever else you’ll need. So, your days are going smoothly.

3. Let people know you by your actions.

Don’t hide behind your desk or shuffle with your head down when you’re walking. Be yourself. Be confident. Stand up straight and proud. Be friendly with everybody. But, don’t be too confident or you may come off as an egoistic or arrogant person.

4. Join some clubs or extracurricular.

Join to a club interests you. If soccer is really you want to do, try to join it. You’’ll have interesting days, then.

5. Study, study and study

You may have heard this a lot. But, it is a good idea. Here you are. That’s why you go to school. Listen to your teacher when he/ she is speaking, take a not if it is important. Do your assignment. Submit your homework on time. Learn your lesson.

You may find a study partner/ study club. It will be easier to study in a peer group.

Ready for school now?

School is time to make friends and try new things, but it’s also a place to learn skill life like organization and decision making that will be used in your future.

Just enjoy your school days….

* Guru Bahasa Inggris

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